This is a collection of Funny Status For WhatsApp.
You’re beautiful until your Photoshop 30 day trial has gone.I work out every day I do 1 sit-up every morning when I wake up.One wise guy invented Whatsapp… and his wife added last seen the feature.
I don’t know why I keep a plastic bag at home full of plastic bags.If you are looking for Status that makes you happy, then check our collection of Funny Status for WhatsApp. This is a collection of One Line Funny Whatsapp Status. When a bird hits your windshield, have you ever wondered if God is playing angry birds with you?.Taking your ex back is like going to the junkyard and buying back your own crap.Sorry about those texts I sent you last night, my phone was drunk.Wants to know how the hell I can remember words to songs from years ago but can’t remember what I went into the next room for!!.I put my heart n soul into my work and lost my brain in the process.Thank God there is No Hindi version of WhatsApp otherwise “Last Seen” would be “Antim Darshan”.Never laugh at your wife’s choices.you are one of them.3 horrible things in life: 1) Slow Internet.If you are looking for a status that means a lot, then check our collection of Short Status for WhatsApp.

This is a collection of Funny Whatsapp Status in English.